Monday, January 28, 2008

Top Ten Gum

In an attempt to make my Blog more enjoyable, I've decided to make a few changes. First, I'm adding pictures.

It worked for Dr. Seuss.

I'm sure it will work for me.


Top ten lists. They've been around forever, and brought into prominence by David Letterman. Why do people love the top 10 list? I think I've figured it out. It's because very few things in our lives show up in black and white. Instead they come in a variety of grays. As a result, that makes us worry weather or not we are making the right or best decision. Top 10 lists saves us from this problem. They are pre-defined and absolute. We can either say yea or nay. So I now offer a top 10 list.

Top 10 Gum

10. Beemans Clove (Old man gum, I'm not chewing it yet)

9. Guar gum (found in fine foods everywhere as a thickening agent)

8. Hubba Bubba (It's the Disneyland of Gum)

7. Gum Shoe (why don't we call them that anymore?)

6. Juicy Fruit (Best selling gum in the known universe. Lasts for about 2 minutes so you never get tired of it.)

5. Gum Arabic (we use this in so many things, from inks to glues to foods it's GUM ARABIC)

4. Stride Gum Fruit Flavor (It's yummy and lasts a good 5 minutes longer than conventional gum)

3. Gum Stimulator (This sounds so much more fun than it is. This was a great replacement for Flossing your teeth. all it did was stimulate your gums and kept the tasty bit of leftover food where it belongs. FLOSS!)

2. Gum Ball (Thanks for the Gumball Popeye!)

1. Adams Gum (They were the first, Wrigleys was a copy. The first Commercial chicle gum invented after Adams failed to make a better automobile tire. ! Yay)

There it is, I hope you like it.


1 comment:

  1. I really like the new layout. The "Old Man's Gum" cracked me up. In honor of your Green Eggs and Ham mention, here is a story about a chicken in South America that lays actual green eggs. It doesn't affect the inside, just the outer shell. Pretty cool!

    Scoops out!
