10. Life - Ok, lets just get this one out of the way first. This has been said by parents to children since time began. The consistent reply to every young persons wail of 'That's not fair!' Nothing about life is fair, and yet life follows cause and effect and we must deal with it as best we can. Everything else that follows is defacto contained within life, but we hear this one so often that I had to mention it.
9. Talent - I'm good at a few things but I'm not great at any of them. I can not think of one thing that I am better at than anyone I know. I know other people that are very likely better than anyone THEY know at certain things. After a while I came to realize that there is really no such thing as Talent. Instead there is interest and drive. If you work at anything long and hard enough then you will be as good as you can be at that thing. It may not be possible that you can be the best ever at anything. Some other people may have better faculties to expand their interests further than you can. So if they work at it just as long as you do, they will be better when the limits of your mind and body have been met. No fair. I have to take solace in the fact that no matter what it is you are good at, there is only one person on the earth at any one time that can be the BEST at it. Out of billions of people, it COULD be you, but it probably isn't.

5. People - We are taught from a young age to share and play fair for the most part. The truth is, people are inherently unfair in their tastes. Lets look at pop music v.s. any specific music that you tend to like. Pop music is universally decried as crap by people and yet it is what sells the most. Meanwhile the 'good' music you like is there only because of the bullheadedness of the artists. Of course we are talking about individual taste. On a more difficult note people often lie cheat and steal. It's who we are. We are unfair. Hopefully, we try individually to be more fair and thereby make the world a little better place.

3. Cellphones - These aren't fair to people with fat fingers.

2. Rebates - I hate rebates, they are very unfair. For those of you that have shopping done for you, a rebate is a way to discount a product, but not really. You buy something at full price and then you take the rebate certificate and study it. After careful study, you will find that you need Proof of purchase as well as your receipt (another proof of purchase) and a picture of the store that you bought it from. A picture of you opening the product so we can see that it was used and not resold on ebay. A link to ebay with that item at the time you sent in the rebate showing that you didn't sell the item on ebay. A ridiculously large manila envelope with environmentally friendly adhesive in which to post all of these items. THEN, send all of these things in to the rebate fulfillment department that is usually somewhere in New Mexico postmarked no later than 15 days but not before 7 days from the date on your receipt. Between 4 and 20 weeks you can expect your rebate to be denied for some reason. The most likely reason being that they didn't want to pay it in the first place and now it's too late to try to get your money so you will hopefully give up. Otherwise, you will get your 4 dollar rebate on that crate of facial tissues.
1. Working for the man - If you are self employed, just think of this as a top 9 list. If you work for someone though, you should understand that as good as the company is that you are working for, they are paying you less than the money they make from your services. Sometimes a LOT less. There are those that would argue that since you have the security of a regular paycheck, you will accept less in payment. That would be true if your job were TRULY secure. The last 5 years have shown us that no job is particularly secure.
A new year dawns. I really can't believe I've written this blog for as long as I have, but reading the last couple of entries, it seems to be rather apparent. Keep reading! tell your friends! Thanks!!! And Happy New Year!
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